[Fatshark] Trelly

[Fatshark] Trelly

18 Mar

Hotfix 6.5.3 - 17th of March Features & Tweaks
  • Bot Improvements: (note, these changes were missed from patch 6.4.0 patch notes)
    • Bots now avoid healing Zealots.

  • Fixed social wheel messages not working in Versus.
  • Fixed a bug where Weaves was inaccessible for some players.

05 Apr

Greetings Heroes and Pactsworn,
Hope you had a great 6-year anniversary! My name is Joakim and I’m the Design Director for Vermintide 2. In this dev blog, I’ll provide an update on the Versus game mode by following up on the recent Open Alpha Test. Actually, we dubbed it the Great Open Alpha Test, or GOAT, as it was preceded by the Closed Alpha Test, or CAT. Tradition now mandates that we can’t have a next test before we decide on a good animal acronym. Suggestions are welcome.

First off, thank you everyone for playing and supporting the game! The GOAT was active at the same time as our Anniversary event, from March 7th to March 17th, with Versus being available from the (new-ish) PC main menu. The test saw some polishing and balancing, it featured a new Versus map - Righteous Stand - and supported our DLC careers.

All in all the test was successful, but unfortunately, it was quite unstable in the first days of play, requiring five hotfixes to resolve the... Read more

26 Oct

Heroes, the most ill-omened night of the year is upon us!
Between October 26 - November 6, Geheimnisnacht returns to Vermintide 2 on all platforms. Remember to visit a ritual site, collect the Skull of Blosphoros, and survive the remainder of the mission(s) in order to earn new time-limited rewards.

All players playing during Geheimnisnacht will also earn Double XP!

Patch 4.7.3 released for PC earlier this week is a 'remaster' patch, which results in a larger download size (~43.1 GB) whilst ultimately saving around ~25 GB on disk after the update is complete

Disrupt the ritual and secure the Skull of Blosphoros for an extra challenge. Select your courier with caution as there is no second chance of picking up the Skull during that mission once it has been lost.

... Read more

14 Jun


Today we are super excited to share the new Chaos Wastes update with you. Be’lakor is live now across all platforms! This free update contains the new Be’lakor presence in the Chaos Wastes game mode along with fixes and tweaks. Together with this update, new Premium Cosmetics are available in Lohner's Emporium of Wonders.

Below you will find more information about the new update.

Be’lakor is a master of terror and illusion ... the first mortal to rise to the exalted rank of Daemon Prince. Disowned by the very gods he once worshipped, he has spent millennia searching for the power to challenge them directly. With the balance in the Realm of Chaos upset by our Ubersreik five, he might just finally have found his opportunity ...

Be’lakor will be a... Read more

13 Jun

Hotfix 4.7.2 (June 30)
  • XP should now be rewarded for failed adventure missions
  • Made the Favorite and Equipped icons behave again
  • Fixed a crash caused by throwing grenades with Endless Bombs boon active in Chaos Wastes

Hotfix 4.7.1 (June 16)
  • Fixed a crash when selecting mission with old UI.
  • Fixed Beam Staff not zooming in and not applying dot on 4th damage tick like intended.
  • Fixed a crash caused by a rounding error in the crit system. This particularly affected Engineers in the Chaos Wastes.
  • Fixed a bug where the Campaign gamemode option would be missing from the lobby browser filters on the legacy UI.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies could still spawn after the destructive finale within the Be'lakor arena.
  • Fixed a faulty description for Ptras Protection.
  • Fixed an issue where Chaos Wastes wea...
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01 Jun

On June 14th, players across all platforms will receive the new Be’lakor update. It is a free update to the Chaos Wastes game mode, and below you will find more information about the new content.

Be’lakor is a master of terror and illusion ... the first mortal to rise to the exalted rank of Daemon Prince. Disowned by the very gods he once worshipped, he has spent millennia searching for the power to challenge them directly. With the balance in the Realm of Chaos upset by our Ubersreik five, he might just finally have found his opportunity ...

Be'lakor in Chaos Wastes
Be’lakor will be a new presence in the Chaos Wastes. Players can willcome across levels influenced by Be’lakor while playing expeditions.

There are two new curses coming to Chaos Wastes, and they will be applicable on the Be’l... Read more
  • Between June 1 - June 12 the in-game event Skulls for the Skull Throne returns to Vermintide 2 on PC, Xbox, and PS4. It is time to once again offer skulls to Khorne, the God of Blood and Lord of Skulls. Join the fray by collecting skulls and earn a new portrait frame!

  • Warhammer Skulls is the annual festival of everything Warhammer video gaming. It runs between June 1 - 8 on PC and Xbox. Don’t forget to tune in to the Warhammer Skulls Showcase that kicks off the festival on June 1 starting at 6pm BST / 7pm CET / 10am PST. over at https://www.twitch.tv/warhammer

A new presence is coming to Chaos Wastes on June 14
Be’lakor will be a new presence in the Chaos Wastes. Players can will come across levels influenced by Be’lakor while playing expeditions with this free update coming to all platforms on Jun... Read more

15 Mar

Welcome to patch 4.6! We’re bringing you fixes & tweaks, new Grudge Marks, new Quality of Life features, and new Premium Cosmetics! This update will come to console players in April.

We hope you’ve not missed the sale on Vermintide 2 and many of our DLC’s!

We have identified an issue where various hats might crash your game if you're trying to equip them through the new "Manage Career Inventory" and are currently working on a fix. We recommend not using this feature to change any hats at this time.

Witch Hunter Captain also crashes sometimes when swapping hats in regular inventory.

Some Saltzpyre hats can also crash the game when previewed in Lohner's Emporium.

See the bottom of the patch notes (linked below) for more known issues with patch 4.6

Patch Notes
Looking for the nitty-gritty details? Read the full patch notes for patch 4.6 by ... Read more
Hotfix 4.6.3 - 18 March
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when clients used emotes when a host ended a session

Hotfix 4.6.2 - 17 March
  • Fixed players not appearing in emote state for clients joining in progress
  • Fixed various access violation crashes
  • Fixed Zealot sometimes getting Warrior Priest weapons in his ranged slot from Chaos Wastes' ranged weapon shrines

Hotfix 4.6.1 - 16 March
  • Fixed an issue where changing hats on bots would crash the game
  • Fixed a crash that could occur at the end of Righteous Stand
  • Fixed a crash when using Sister of the Thorn's 'Lingering Blackvenom' when playing with two or more players
  • Replaced old 'Cursed Aura' and 'Frenzy' Grudge Mark buff icons with new ones
  • Added missing icon for 'Frenzy' when th...
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11 Mar

Heroes, Together with the Quality of Life Update and Patch 4.6 we will be adding new Premium Cosmetics to the in-game store. We hope you’ll find something dashing for your favorite hero! In total, there’ll be 10 new cosmetics, one hat and one skin for each hero.

The cosmetics will be available in bundles (PC/Xbox/PS4) and as separate items (PC). Coming to PC March 15 and on console in April.

ELITHIS PILGRIMAGE Vestments of a Witch Hunter determined to seek out heretics in distant lands. No word of his success (or failure) has ever reached the Empire.

Career: Witch Hunter Captain

MOLTEN SOUL Ensorcelled raiment of a wizard determined to walk the weave of Aqshy. Mostly fireproof, though the same cannot alas be said of the wearer.

Career: Unchained

... Read more

10 Mar

Heroes, In our upcoming Quality of Life update, you’ll experience some new features and changes to some old ones. Join our Stream on Friday, 11th of March, where Markus, Game Designer on Vermintide 2, will join our CM Aqshy to show you the goods.

When planning this QoL update, implementing features inspired by some of the most used mods was high up on the list. We’ve seen what mods you use the most and recommend to each other, which informed the design process.

Designing these features could not have been possible without the amazing creators behind the original mods. Thank you for your contribution to Warhammer: Vermintide 2 during these four years and years to come! To show our gratitude, we will immortalize all mod creators whose mods have had their essence mainlined in the game’s credits, as well as all mod authors and contributors who have had their mods sanctioned for use on the official realm.

In this Developer Blog, we are going to take a look at so... Read more

09 Mar

In the upcoming Quality of Life update arriving on March 15, there will be some changes to two of Kerillian’s careers: Sister of the Thorn, and Shade. In this dev blog, you will learn more about these changes and what they mean for both careers.

Sister of the Thorn Kerillian’s latest career has undergone a bit of a renovation. The changes to Sister of the Thorn will add tools and opportunities for Kerillian to become an asset to the team in more ways than previously through debuffing enemies and controlling the flow of combat.

The goal with changing Sister of the Thorn is to address the most problematic areas of the career, make it into a stronger thematic role in combat, and lean more into the fantasy of the Sisters of the Thorn.

Updated Perk:
  • Perk 1 Blackvenom Blades: Melee attacks apply Blackvenom, dealing damage and increasing damage taken by 12% for 10 seconds.
New & Updated Talents:
  • ...
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01 Mar

For the past 4 years, you’ve fought your way through Helmgart together with the Ubersreik 5. We’re incredibly grateful for the love you’ve shown Warhammer: Vermintide 2. Words aren’t enough to show our gratitude.

Join the Fatshark Stream[www.twitch.tv] this Friday at 2 pm CET to celebrate with us as we take a look back at the past 4 years, and talk about what’s to come.

The 4-Year Anniversary will start on all platforms on March 8 and finish on March 21. The celebratory level ‘A Quiet Drink’ will be available on all platforms during this time.

A birthday is not complete without a birthday gift. On March 15 a Quality of Life update will be released on PC, containing content inspired by some of your favorite mods. This... Read more

10 Dec

Patch 4.5.1
Stability and Localisation
  • Improved localization.
  • Fix crash when opening the playerlist while in a deed.
  • Fixed crash when player hits a dead actor with a melee weapon.
  • Fixed crash when always blocking boon is picked up or gets disabled while new weapon is loading in.
  • Fix DLCs not being changed to installed when buying a DLC while in-game for PC.

While we orginially implemented privacy options based on reports of player toxicity, we heard your feedback and have added new privacy features to the in-game tab menu as well as improved existing ones to give players a greater choice of how to show and hide their builds.
  • Added a public option for build view privacy setting.
  • Made the privacy option asymmetric: now if you set your build to public others w...
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We are excited to announce that one of the most anticipated and well-guessed careers is now available on PC: the Warrior Priest of Sigmar for Victor Saltzpyre. The new career can be purchased on Steam or in the in-game store.

The Warrior Priest of Sigmar is a new career for Victor Saltzpyre. This DLC contains the new playable career complete with a new talent tree, new weapon types, new abilities, a new Warrior Priest of Sigmar skin, and more.

... Read more

05 Nov

An absent-minded man of mysteries, Franz Lohner relies on his bulging journal to keep track of occurrences, intrigues and arguments around Taal's Horn Keep. Sometimes his notes are even useful, believe it or not. The Franz Lohner Chronicles are extracts from that journal.

Franz Lohner’s Chronicle – The Three-Eyed Watcher Well, I’ve good news and bad news.

The good news is that Geheimnisnacht’s sort-of maybe over for another year. I mean, it doesn’t work quite like that because of our delightfully anarchic moons, but I like to think of it as being a year away. Perception is reality, after all, and the way reality’s been going lately I reckon the more I enforce my perception on top of it, the better it’ll be for everyone. If nothing else, it makes for a pumpkin-rich environment and everyone likes that, or so I understand.

Oh, wait. Two bits of good news. It’s been a bumper pumpkin crop this year, and no more than usual seemed to be infested with daemons. Good ... Read more

28 Oct

Welcome to Patch 4.4.2 bringing the Grudge Marks update to all platforms. We are super excited to bring a new challenge to the Chaos Wastes for all of our players to try out, together with Geheimnisnacht! Below you can learn more about the Grudge Marks.

Content added with 4.4.2:
  • Grudge Marks
  • New Premium Cosmetics
  • Quality of Life changes
  • Return of the time-limited event Geheimnisnacht
Click here to check out the 4.4.2 Patch notes.

... Read more
The most ill-omened time of the year has returned to Vermintide 2, and this year it is more menacing than ever before. Geheimnisnacht is live on all platforms between October 28 - November 7.

Challenge yourself and your fellow heroes during Geheimnisnacht. Visit a ritual site, collect the Skull of Blosphoros, and survive the remainder of the mission(s) in order to earn time-limited rewards. Good luck!

“Geheimnisnacht is the most ill-omened night of the year and with both Mannslieb and Morrslieb full in the sky only the strong and brave dare venture into the dark. During Gehimnisnacht it's said that the veil between the living and the dead is thinner, and it's the perfect time to visit the Gardens of Morr to pay homage to the ancestors.”

If you want to take a deeper dive into how Geheim... Read more

27 Oct

Patch 4.4.2 is coming tomorrow on all platforms. This also marks the start of Geheimnisnacht, for a little tease of what's to come you can check out the treat of a trailer that follows.


Below you will find the full patch notes for the release.

New Features
  • Chaos Wastes - ...
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25 Oct

“Rat-beast! Looks angry, darlings!” - Sienna

The Grudge Mark Update will be released this week on October 28, and today we are taking you on a deep dive into the update to look at the different attributes and more.

"With the End Times approaching, Okri's grown concerned that a number of long-held grudges might go unfulfilled. Accordingly, he's taken the unusual step of asking the Ubersreik Five to settle accounts (as drengbarazi, they're as near to being honourary dwarfs as makes no difference) for families wiped out by war."

Want to know more about the message from Okri to Lohner? You can read the Lohner’s Chronicle by clicking here[www.vermintide.com].

A New ... Read more